Fiat vs Gold? Gold vs Silver allocation? Fed Obsession, are we too fixated in interest rates? | SWP Cayman

Fiat vs Gold? Gold vs Silver allocation? Fed Obsession, are we too fixated in interest rates?

Join us for an eye-opening discussion as we unveil the glittering world of investments. In this captivating video with our guest David Morgan, a Precious Metals Analyst, and founder of the Silver Investor, we delve into the age-old debate: Team Fiat or Team Precious Metals? 🤔 Are we too fixated on interest rates? 📈 How do you split your allocation between gold and silver? And the burning question: If Trump is allowed to run and is elected, will the geo-political risk globally worsen, or improve and why?

Enjoy this insightful discussion as we unravel the mysteries of the metals market and explore the captivating realm of gold and silver investment. 

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======================== #SWPCayman #PreciousMetals #Gold #Silver #Investing #Bullion #MetalsMarket #GoldInvestment #SilverCoins #GoldBullion #goldcoins 


Link to the to David Morgan's documentary, Silver Sunrise: 

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